Feuer und Flamme (WDR, 20:15 Uhr)
Dokureihe, 9 Folgen à 45 Minuten
4. Staffel der beliebten Doku über die
Berufsfeuerwehr, diesmal aus Bochum
Realisation: Meike Trautmann
Film and TV production company in the west of Munich
From the idea to the finished movie
A fascinating video which appeals to spectators’ emotions will elevate your position in your competitive environment.
Your movie serves as your digital business card. Whether you´re presenting yourself on YouTube, Facebook or on your smartphone: the first-time impression counts most on potential customers.
In the future your company´s success will also depend on a contemporary response to Digital Business Transformation.
We develop and produce original image films, industrial films or concise short films for our customers websites.
We are not only a professional, but also a very congenial small film team excelling in team work.
We are flexible and uncomplicated and have a very open-minded attitude towards new ideas and projects.
Starting from the first image to the complete realization, we intend to offer our customers a film that has been edited and provided with sound and speech on our editing system.
In addition to various camera teams with many years of experience in a wide range of disciplines, we provide the complete production technology according to customer requirements – from short news clips to the artistic long-term documentation. This also includes the entire post-production.
On request, we can be involved in the development of a TV format from the very beginning on– this can be done from the topic research to the search for suitable candidates up to the elaboration of the dramaturgy. In the next step we provide the complete realization of the shooting and in the last step the entire postproduction, both in terms of content and in terms of technology.
We offer castings from the research of suitable candidates and topics up to the final presentation, which is guaranteed to make you want more! A good cinematic piece stands and falls with its protagonists – and we not only have the right feeling for them, we also know, thanks to our many years of experience, how to put them in the best light; small coachings included!
ab 03.05.2021
Dokureihe, 9 Folgen à 45 Minuten
4. Staffel der beliebten Doku über die
Berufsfeuerwehr, diesmal aus Bochum
Realisation: Meike Trautmann
ab 27.03.2021
Reportagereihe, Verhaltensforscherin /Kate Kitchenham/ geht kuriosen
Freundschaften in der Tierwelt auf den Grund.
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ab dem 08.11.2020
Reportage, 30 Minuten
Über die sogenannten "Wastewatcher" der Stadtreinigung HH
Autorin: Meike Trautmann
ab dem 2.3.2020
2. Staffel (30 Folgen) der Dokutainment-Reihe über Veterinäre in ganz Deutschland
Realisation (am Staffelsee): Meike Trautmann
ab dem 21.2.2020
13. Staffel der erfolgreichen Tanzshow mit Promis und Profitänzern
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ab dem 16.2.2020
2. Staffel der Tier-Doku-Reihe mit Deutschlands beliebtesten Hunde Trainer
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ab dem 16.2.2020
Die Dilemma-Show mit Sabeine Heinrich und
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ab dem 2.9.2019
Dating-Show auf vier Rädern mit Paartherapeut
Eric Hegmann
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September 2019
Aufzeichung des Stress-Tests für die PR Agentur BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe)
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ab dem 15.7.2019
Comedy-Serie mit Lutz van der Horst
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Juni 2019
Industriefilm Cinevision
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ab dem 4.9. 2018
Dokureihe über Menschen mit Diagnosen wie Autismus oder Tourette
Nominiert für den Deutschen Grimme-Preis 2019
Realisation: Meike Trautmann
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